Are You Willing to Surrender?

  • Is there something you feel called to do but can’t figure out how to make it happen?
  • Have you been working toward a goal but it feels like everyone and everything is throwing an obstacle in your face?
  • Does it feel like what you want will never happen?

Surrendering to ChangeI know that feeling. In fact for several years while I was building my business part-time and working full-time for a corporation, I thought I’d literally die before I could reach my goal of leaving my day job or at least scaling it back to part-time. I tried numerous times, unsuccessfully to create a part-time arrangement or job-share. I felt defeated, at the mercy of others, and just plain sad.

Can you relate?

Then, just as I was at the end of my rope, I got deeply in touch with my feelings. I truly got in my gut what I most wanted to happen for my life. I made the decision that it will happen. It IS happening. I set a strong intention. I prayed. I surrendered. I let go of trying to figure it all out and worrying about how it was going to happen.

Then… it just happened.

Read more of Are You Willing to Surrender? and the amazing divinely inspired verse I wrote atop this cliff.

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